The Place I Found While Accidentally Dowsing (For My Dreams)


The Place I Found While Accidentally Dowsing (For My Dreams)


50% of proceeds from this sale go to the Red Cross Disasters Emergency Committee Ukraine Appeal.

2018. Acrylic on canvas. 30cm x 40cm

This is the spot.
I’ve marked it with some pebbles
that the kids painted up many years ago.
They’ve been in my pocket all this time,
waiting for the right moment.

This is the spot,
where I stop and begin to dig.
At first it might be foundations for our house,
or the search for a magical golden torc.
Who else is waiting here for us?

This is the spot.
I will dig here and plant some seeds.
This will be our garden, next to the house.
There is the lane where you might cycle
to choir practice – maybe on Tuesday evenings.

This is the spot.
I can see the hills but I will not climb them.
Right here, I will lie on my back,
stare at the sky, and make up songs about you.
Then reach out and touch your hand.

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